The Whiz Bangs, originally called the 5th Division Concert Party, was formed in Egypt, early in the War. They were ten Australian Army artists, all of whom had either been wounded or long service abroad. Their pianist, 21st Battalion Private Harry Albinson, had lost a leg, and the group’s manager, 59th Battalion Private William Cantwell, an eye. Other members all evidently suffered minor injuries as the result of the War. They toured Egypt, France, Belgium and England performing for all the allied soldiers, King George V and the Prince of Wales (later King Edward VII) well into the 1920s.

In 1919 the Morwell Advertiser reported their revues ’Combien’ and ‘How Much’ were the funniest, and would be produced “with complete and original costumes and scenery as used and made by members of the company on service, headed by Johnny Marks (Pocket Comedian) and George Long (the Beautiful Soldier girl), who has outwitted all as a female impersonator, and will wear some magnificent costumes and gowns specially made and designed in Paris. Others are George Wright, Eric Boughton, Dick Phillips, Roy Kent, John Harper, Erne Robertson, and Billy Carroll. All the latest London song and dance hits will be introduced, including Jazz and Jazz Band.

...The programme was one of mirth from beginning to end, and there was not a dull moment. The jokes and humorous songs kept the audience in roars of laughter. The items given by Corporal Phillips, the whistler and mimic, were very clever, and he was deservedly applauded. The ‘beautiful girl,’ Mr Geo Long, carried out his part to perfection, and his make-up was excellent, and his acting most dignified. He made a handsome bride."